2024 Newsletter Term 2 Week 7
From the Principal - Brad Toole

Athletics Carnival
I’d just like to thank everyone who was able to come along last Tuesday to assist at the carnival and support our students. We will be concluding our carnival events today at sport. Presentations and Northern Region information will be announced over the coming weeks.
Henry Lawson Festival
Thanks to everyone who was able to march in the parade and help at the bbq last Saturday for the Henry Lawson festival. It is a great event and weekend for Gulgong and it is fantastic to see our All Hallows School so well represented.
Little Blessings Playgroup
This Thursday from 9.30am -11.30am we will be holding ‘Little Blessings Playgroup’. We are encouraging anyone with small children to come along and join in the fun. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

R.E. MATTERS - Walking in the Light

Dear God,
You sent us Jesus to be the way the truth and the life.
You sent Jesus to light the world with his love.
We pray that we will learn from Jesus to be his light and to be his love
for all the world.
May we care for our All Hallows family this week –
In our words and actions ‘We are called to SHINE!’
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.
First Reconciliation
Last Thursday students from Yr 3 made their First Reconciliation. It was a special day for the children and their families. Thankyou to Father Owen for presiding.
After the liturgy the families gathered in the school hall for a celebration with the candidates and Yr 3 friends.
Thankyou to Mrs Kelly, for preparing the children for this Sacrament and staff who helped along the way.

First Communion
First Holy Communion will be held on Sunday 23rd June, 2024 at 10.30am. Please keep the candidates in your prayers as they continue to prepare for their special day.
The Year 3 RETREAT DAY will be held on Monday 17th June in the All Hallows Hall. This day is a reflection day to complete the Communion Program being taught in Year 3 this term.
All Yr 3 students will attend the Retreat Day and may come to school in casual clothes on this day.

Year 6 RE Test
Next week our Year Six students will sit the Year Six RE Test. This is a diocesan wide RE test that most all our schools participate in. They have been preparing consistently and we wish them well next Tuesday.
Polding Cross Country

Congratulations to Brycen & Braxton who competed at the Polding Cross Country Championships in Sydney last week.
They faced tough competition and performed admirably, enjoying the experience greatly.
It was clear to see their hard work and training had paid off.
Brycen placed 6th and Braxton 21st out of 48 runners in each age group. This result has seen Brycen selected for the Polding team to compete at the NSW PSSA Carnival in Sydney later this term.
A truly marvelous achievement and we are very proud of you both.
Soccer Gala Day
The St Laurence’s, Dubbo Soccer Gala Day will be held on Friday 9th August, 2024.
The day is for all students from Years 2,3,4,5 and 6. Parents are asked to complete permission and payment on Compass this week.
Year 5 & 6 Canberra Excursion
Our Yr 5/6 students will travel to Canberra for their long- awaited excursion. This year we will travel with friends from Sacred Heart, Coolah and St Michael’s, Dunedoo. Mr Rogers, Miss Mulligan and Ms Statham will be travelling with the group.
Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture and heritage as well as scientific study, geography and art education. There will also be some recreational activities.
This opportunity is valued by our students and we are looking forward to playing tourist in the nation’s capital.

The NAIDOC 2024 theme –chosen by the National NAIDOC Committee, is Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud. The theme honours the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture – with fire a symbol of connection to Country, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. You can support and get to know your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities through activities and events held across the country.
During week 10 All Hallows will be joining with the other Gulgong schools to celebrate the culture of our First Nations people.
Tuesday 2nd July:
- We will all go to the High School with the other schools.
- All our students will create artwork to decorate the High School Gym.
- Join in the community celebrations at Gulgong High School.
Thursday 4th July
All Hallows NAIDOC Day
- Mufti Day wearing something Red, Black or Yellow
- Activities throughout the day in mixed groups.
- BBQ Lunch (Sausage Sizzle)
- NAIDOC Liturgy at 2.15pm
- Return to classes after lunch for the afternoon.
Parents are all invited to attend the liturgy, activities and barbecue and join with us throughout the day.
Assistant Principal and Religion Coordinator Conference
Tomorrow and Friday Sarah and Kylie will be attending their retreat for 2024.They will be discussing a number of interesting topics and spending quality time with other leaders from the Bathurst Diocese.
Finance & Administration Conference
Carolyn Holland and Bec O'Connell will be attending the annual Finance & Administration Conference in Bathurst next Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th June.
Rose Young will be covering the office in their absence.
We have been going really well with our uniforms this year. Let's keep it up!
I have just noticed this week a few people missing a tie or having the wrong shoes/socks on etc.
A couple of things to remember:
- Ties must be worn everyday in term 2 and 3 and worn correctly. They need to be done tightly enough so that the top buttons can’t be seen.
- Shoes must be fully black with black laces.
- Full uniform when you leave school at the end of the day. Please note that students need to have their hat on and shirt tucked in when they leave at the end of the day.
- Hair that is past the collar/shoulder needs to be neatly brushed and up in a band out of students' faces.
- Please ensure that your child has their correct items of clothing when they return. We have a number of students that have lost hats and jumpers. Many of these items have names on them so should be easy to identify.
There will be NO CANTEEN next Tuesday the 18th June.
We are desperate for more canteen helpers at the moment. Helpers are required to be in the canteen from 10.30 - 1.30pm. If you’re able to help, can you please email the school office or speak to Brad.
**We have taken milkshakes off the menu at the moment and will let you know if they become available again.
** This week we will only be serving Hot Dogs and Sausages Sandwiches for $2.50.
Garden Club News

This week in Garden Club we had some outside helpers (thanks Elijah and Chris) to assist with weeding, seed collecting and mulching. We were also very excited to pick some of the last of our cosmos and calendula flowers to press and reserve for later projects. These beautiful flowers can't handle the frost so we are looking forward to seeing how they press and dry! We have also saved some seeds from our flowers and basil for next season's planting.
This Thursday, 13th June, we celebrate St Anthony who is possibly most famously known as the Patron Saint of Lost Things, but is also the Patron Saint of Animals, the Elderly, Expectant Mothers, Infertility, the Poor, Sailors, the Starving, Travellers and Unmarried Women. What a busy Saint!
We hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend and enjoyed a chance to fill your cups. See you next week!
Happy Gardening, Miss Norris & Mrs Watts

Merit Awards - Week 6
Kinder: Maggie W, Hilary B
Year 1: Harriet B, Lukas H
Year 2: Marley W, Rosie B, Nathan M
Year 3: Hamish B, Lincoln D, Michaela W, Charlotte H, Amalea M-B, Audrey G, Zion M, Ruby T, Iyla F
Year 4: Eloise B, Charlotte A, Cooper H, Cambell F
Year 5: Lexi W, Brooklyn H
Year 6: Sophia W, Hope S
Halos: Brycen B, Tommy W, Will B, Hamish B, Iyla F, Michaela W, Audrey G, Issy C, Zion M, Ethan D